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May '22 Product Updates

Features, improvements, and bug fixes from May 2022

Geoff Mina avatar
Written by Geoff Mina
Updated over a week ago

Tax Label - You can now update your tax label from the defaults provided. This label is used on invoices and proposals when tax is used on your account. Update your documents to properly reflect your local regulations and laws. Set the value to VAT, ISV, GST, Tax, etc.

Meeting Schedule Ownership - Meeting schedulers can now be assigned to users within your account. This feature works for both Pro and Teams workspaces with full users as well as collaborators. By assigning ownership of a Meeting Scheduler to a user, you will limit the scope of people who are notified and have visibility into the scheduled meetings. Meeting schedulers can have no ownership, which would allow any scheduled meetings to be viewed by all full users in the work space. Collaborators can ONLY see their own meetings and will never have visibility into other / public meetings.

To set the scheduler ownership, simple select the appropriate user from the dropdown and the notifications and visibility will be adjusted for all future meetings.

Proposal Heading Text- If your cover image doesn't require heading text to be present, you can now choose to hide the cover text, but still retain the proposal heading for ease of use while navigating your proposal lists.

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