If you have been keeping track of your clients, projects, invoices, expenses, and time worked in several different apps, bring everything together with Moxie using our importer tool. You'll need to begin with your data in a .csv format.
Click your workspace icon in the lower left and choose "Data import/export." You'll be able to import clients, contacts, projects, deliverables (tasks), invoices, expenses, and time worked.
For each of the data types, Moxie will try to auto-map the columns, but for best results, double check in the preview to be sure that your columns have been correctly mapped.
If you import an incorrect file, you can delete a previous import and all of it's associated details.
Import clients
Save your client data as a .csv then import it everything into Moxie in just a few clicks. This will only import your clients. If you'd like to also import projects, invoices, or deliverables, you can skip this step and import your clients concurrently with that data.
Columns that can be imported:
Client name (required)
First name
Last name
Hourly rate
Stripe Id
Tax Id
Archived status
Download a template with client fields that can be imported here.
Import contacts
Similar to clients, you can import your contacts to allow these emails and messages to show in your focused inbox in Communicator.
Columns that can be imported:
Client name
First name
Last name
Download a template with contact fields that can be imported here.
Import opportunities
Bring in your leads from another pipeline and don't miss a beat when it comes to tracking everyone who wants to work with you.
Columns that can be imported:
Opportunity name (required)
Client name
Estimated close
Actual close
First name
Last name
Business name
Download a template with opportunity fields that can be imported here.
Import projects
Moxie is client-centric. When you import projects, you'll need to have a column that lists the client that you are working with on that project.
Columns that can be imported:
Client name (required)
Project name (required)
Start date
Due date
If you will be importing new clients with these projects, check the box "Create new client/project if no match." If you would like to import more details per each project, choose "Import deliverables."
Download a template with project fields that can be imported here.
Import deliverables (tasks)
Similar to projects, Moxie's client-centric nature means that when you import deliverables, you will need a column for your client's name. Deliverables are nested under larger projects, so to correctly import your deliverables, you'll need to have a project name column as well. These will map to your tasks in project management.
Columns that can be imported:
Client name (required)
Project name (required)
Deliverable name (required)
Status (example: not started, in progress, complete)
Due date
Assigned to (must be an email address)
If you will be importing new clients with these projects, check the box "Create new client/project if no match."
Download a template with deliverable (task) fields that can be imported here.
Import invoices
Bring in invoices that were sent from another platform. Putting all your invoices in Moxie will give you a single accurate P&L for your business. Make sure your .csv file has a client name, invoice number, date due, and amount (pre-tax).
Columns that can be imported:
Client name (required)
Invoice number (required)
Date issued
Date due (required - make sure the date format column matches the way you have formatted your dates in the .csv file for a successful import)
Amount (required)
Tax rate in percentage
Payment amount
Payment provider
Date paid
If you will be importing new clients with these projects, check the box "Create new client/project if no match."
Please note that the best format to use for dates would be YYYY-MM-DD.
Download a template with invoice fields that can be imported here.
Import expenses
Add your expenses alongside the rest of your accounting info in Moxie and become your accountant's favorite client. Make sure your .csv file has the amount and category for each expense.
Columns that can be imported:
Amount (required)
Tax rate
Bill No
Category (required)
Date due
Date paid
Client name (if this expense is associated with a client)
New vendors listed will be added to your vendors in accounting. If you will be importing new clients with these projects, check the box "Create new client/project if no match."
Download a template with expense fields that can be imported here.
Import time worked
Don't lose time that you worked using another time tracker. Include start time, end times, duration in minutes and seconds in your .csv. You'll also need to have a consistent time and date format that includes a 2 digit day, 2 digit month, 4 digit year, 2 digit hour, 2 digit minute.
Columns that can be imported
Start time (required)
End time (required)
Duration (minutes) (required)
Duration (seconds) (required - but can be 0)
Client name
Project name
User email
If you will be importing new clients with these projects, check the box "Create new client/project if no match."
Download a template with time worked fields that can be imported here.