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Hectic V3 - Fall '22 - Major Update
Hectic V3 - Fall '22 - Major Update

Redesigned UI! Major CRM and Project Management upgrades

Geoff Mina avatar
Written by Geoff Mina
Updated over a week ago

Welcome to the Fall 2022 Hectic Update Edition! We are pleased to announce the release of Hectic Version 3. This update is primarily focused on making Hectic easier to use by upgrading many UI/UX elements as well as improving the key areas of Client and Project management.

In addition to core app updates, we are thrilled to announce that Client Portal as well as all customer facing modules are now available in 25 languages! This includes invoices, proposals, client portal and more. Don't see your language in this list, just let us know and we can get it added!







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Navigation Updates

First - let's discuss the major changes in where things are located in the User Interface. On the left, we have the main navigation that includes all of the core modules within Hectic. The "Workspace Menu", which can be accessed from the lower left, now contains all of your settings and configurations.

When you are doing your "work" (project management, client communication, time tracking, invoicing, etc) you will be primarily using the main left nav. When you are configuring Hectic, you will now be using the Workspace Menu. This includes configuring integrations, setting up meeting schedulers, templates, connecting email accounts, etc.

We have also introduced the new "Productivity Bar" on the right. This is where you can find Notes, To-Dos, Notifications, Today's Schedule, as well as your Communicator Phone (if enabled).

Both the Left Nav and the Productivity Bar can be collapsed to maximize workspace on smaller screens.

Homebase Updates

Homebase has been simplified to reduce clutter and improve the ability to focus. Notes, To-Dos, and Notifications have been moved to the new Productivity Bar on the right. A new quick links section has been added to the lower right to give you access to commonly shared items including your communicator phone number, client portal link, and your meeting scheduler links. Simply click on the text and the value will be copied so you can paste-to-share.

Client Management Updates

Client management has received a number of big improvements. First and foremost is the (re-)introduction of a dedicated client overview list screen. Key highlights include:

  • Snapshot of Hours and Income

  • Ability to toggle Favorites on/off (clicking the star icon)

  • Quick access to emailing or calling/texting contacts

  • Filtering and sorting for quick access

  • Dedicated Contacts tab to see all individual contacts across all client records

Clicking into the client detail screen provides a useful summary of your client to quickly gauge current activities as well as the health of the client. Updates to the client screen include:

  • Improved project overview snapshot

  • Better visibility into project, time worked, and revenue health

  • Dedicated "Inbox" tab to show messages (email, requests, sms, voice) with ONLY the client contacts

  • Dedicated "Meetings" tab to see all future and past meetings with any contacts with the client.

Project Management Updates

A new overview screen provides a quick snapshot into all of your active projects across all clients. The snapshot view shows the status of deliverables, when the next item due is, as well as who is working on the project.

[Note: Deliverables have been renamed to Tasks in Version 3 to more closely align with other project management systems. Same functionality - different naming.. hopefully less support requests about "What a deliverable is"!]

Clicking into the project card will bring you to a new detail and overview screen specifically for a single project. Here you can access summary information as well as all income and time allocated to the specific project.

An additional feature is that a focused project management view is available from within the project detail. This gives you access to manage the tasks for a single project (as opposed to seeing all tasks for all clients/projects) from within the familiar Table, Kanban, and Timeline views. This is also where you manage recurring tasks for a project (clicking the recurrence icon in the layout section).

The main Task Management screen allows you to see all tasks across all clients and projects. This screen has received an update to add a new view that makes managing many tasks faster and more streamlined. The new Table View works a lot like a spreadsheet. You can quickly update and edit all of the fields of the task without opening the edit modal. Click the icons next to the "Layout" to toggle between Table, Kanban, and Timeline views.

One additional feature that helps keep your Kanban organized is the new ability to archive a single deliverable off your screen. This allows you to de-clutter your Kanban/List/Timeline view for long running projects.

Important! In addition to the many improvements in project management workflows, one small but very important update has been included in V3.

It is now possible to add Tasks to project management without assigning a Project or even a Client This opens up the possibility to add personal tasks (not client related) or track work for a client without the requirement of starting a new project for just a simple task.

Time Tracking Update

A new timesheets link has been added to the Left Nav to allow you to more easily see all of your time entries without needing to navigate to your individual client records. This view can be filtered by client/user/date to narrow down your focus quickly to find the time entries you are most interested in. Click the download link at the top right of the table to retrieve an Excel spreadsheet version of all time entries.

The real time time tracker has been re-located to the top bar. The features and functionality are unchanged, only the location has bee updated.

Feedback & Help

The Help Center launcher has been relocated to the top bar. Clicking the chat question mark will launch the familiar help center where tutorial videos, articles, and the launcher for support chat can be found.

Your User Menu on the left provides access to update your profile, log out, and access our public feedback site.

We hope you enjoy the most recent updates! Thanks for being Hectic users :)

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