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Create Project

Create a new project in your Moxie CRM

Geoff Mina avatar
Written by Geoff Mina
Updated over a year ago

Create a new project record in your Moxie CRM with associated with a specific client.

Endpoint: /action/projects/create

Method: POST

Request Body (example):

"name": "",
"clientName": "",
"templateName": "",
"startDate": "2023-07-20",
"dueDate": "2023-07-20",
"portalAccess": "Full access",
"showTimeWorkedInPortal": true,
"feeSchedule": {
"feeType": "Hourly",
"amount": 0.00,
"retainerSchedule": "WEEKLY",
"estimateMax": 0,
"estimateMin": 0,
"retainerStart": "2023-07-20",
"retainerTiming": "ADVANCED",
"retainerOverageRate": 0.00,
"taxable": false

Properties that require further clarification:

  • name - Required - Project Name

  • clientName - Required - Exact match of a client record that exists in the CRM

  • templateName - Optional - the name of a template that should be used to create the project. All settings from the template including tasks will be generated.

  • portalAccess - Optional - One of: None, Overview, Full access, or Read only (default Read Only)

  • showTimeWorkedInPortal - Optional - is time worked on this project visible in client portal

  • feeSchedule - Required when not using Template - Monetization settings for the project

    • feeType - One of: Hourly, Fixed Price, Retainer, Per Item

    • retainerSchedule - The cadence of a Retainer project - One of: WEEKLY, BI_WEEKLY, MONTHLY, QUARTERLY, BI_ANNUALLY, ANNUALLY

    • retainerTiming - Either ADVANCED or ARREARS depending if you want to invoice for the period before or after the period starts/ends

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