Create an invoice record in your Moxie CRM with supplied line items. The invoice can optionally be sent using a pre-configured email template and dynamic contact list.
Endpoint: /action/invoices/create
Method: POST
Request Body (example):
"invoiceNumber": "",
"clientName": "",
"templateName": "",
"dueDate": "2023-07-20",
"taxRate": 0.00,
"discountPercent": 0.00,
"paymentInstructions": "",
"items": [
"description": "",
"quantity": 0.00,
"rate": 0.00,
"taxable": false,
"projectName": ""
"sendTo": {
"send": true,
"contacts": [
"emailTemplateName": ""
Properties that require further clarification:
clientName - Required - Exact match of a client record that exists in the CRM
templateName - Optional - If provided must match the exact name of a pre-configured Invoice template
items - Required - an array of line items
projectName - Optional - If provided, must match one of the project names within the client record exactly
sendTo - Optional used to optionally send the invoice via email upon creation. If the sendTo isn't specified, the invoice will be staged in DRAFT status in your workspace
emailTemplateName - Optional - if provided, just match the name of an email template exactly. If none is provided, the default invoice email template will be used.