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Search Payable Invoices

Find invoices in the CRM that are currently in a payable state

Geoff Mina avatar
Written by Geoff Mina
Updated over a week ago

Endpoint: /action/payableInvoices/search

Method: GET

Request Params:

  • query - (optional) - client name filter if you only want invoices for a specific client

Response Body:

"id": "",
"invoiceNumber": 0,
"invoiceNumberFormatted": "",
"accountId": 0,
"clientId": "",
"dateCreated": "2023-08-15",
"dateSent": "2023-08-15",
"dateDue": "2023-08-15",
"dateDueCalculated": "2023-08-15",
"datePaid": "2023-08-15",
"clientInfo": {
"id": "",
"name": "",
"initials": "",
"address1": "",
"address2": "",
"city": "",
"locality": "",
"postal": "",
"country": "",
"phone": "",
"color": "",
"taxId": "",
"website": "",
"contact": {
"id": "",
"accountId": 0,
"clientId": "",
"clientPortalUserId": 0,
"firstName": "",
"lastName": "",
"role": "",
"phone": "",
"email": "",
"mobile": "",
"notes": "",
"defaultContact": false,
"invoiceContact": false,
"portalAccess": false,
"importRecordId": "",
"sampleData": false
"roundingIncrement": 0,
"customInfo": false
"status": "SENT",
"invoiceType": "STANDARD",
"subTotal": 0,
"convenienceFee": 0,
"lateFee": 0,
"discountAmount": 0,
"creditApplied": 0,
"tax": 0,
"total": 0,
"localTotal": 0,
"paymentTotal": 0,
"localPaymentTotal": 0,
"amountDue": 0,
"localAmountDue": 0,
"currency": "",
"integrationKeys": {
"quickbooksId": "",
"xeroId": ""
"viewOnlineUrl": "",
"payments": [
"id": "",
"amount": 0,
"pending": false,
"paidBy": "",
"paymentProvider": "STRIPE",
"currency": "",
"referenceNumber": "",
"memo": "",
"datePaid": "2023-08-15",
"timestamp": "2023-08-15T09:26:02.383-04:00",
"integratedPayment": false,
"forcePaidInFull": false,
"integrationKeys": {
"quickbooksId": "",
"xeroId": ""
"isFailedPayment": false,
"localAmount": 0

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