While using Moxie's time tracker, you can opt to toggle on or off if that time entry is going to be billable time or not.
Using time tracker
Click the time tracker to begin tracking your time in real time and toggle on or off if that time is billable.
Manual time entry
Click the + to add a manual time entry from the calendar, timesheets, or client file. Add your time and use the billable toggle to make a specific time entry billable or not.
In "Timesheets" in the left nav, you can use filters to show your time worked by client, by user (for teams and collaborators), by status (billed, un-billed, non-billable), or by date range.
Work that appears as non-billed are entries you marked as non-billable or entries created against a project that is a fixed rate or recurring (retainer) rate fee structure.