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Agreement (V2) webhook events

Definition of webhook events that are triggered on when (V2) agreements are sent, viewed, or signed

Geoff Mina avatar
Written by Geoff Mina
Updated over a year ago

X-Event-Type values

  • AgreementSent

  • AgreementViewed

  • AgreementSigned

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"accountId": 10016,
"name": "New agreement with Test",
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"status": "Finalized",
"statusTime": "2024-01-19T12:22:44.551Z",
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"dateCreated": "2024-01-19T12:22:18.139Z",
"dateCompleted": "2024-01-19T12:23:45.113Z",
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"meetingName": "Geoffrey Mina / 15 Minute Meeting",
"schedulerName": "15 Minute Meeting",
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"start": "2024-01-19T17:30:00.000Z",
"end": "2024-01-19T18:00:00.000Z"
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"notes": null,
"cancellationReason": null,
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"incomeRecordId": null,
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"selectedPackages": [
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"packageName": "Minimal Service Package",
"description": "<h2>{{Package.Name}}</h2>\n<div><br />Description that shows the price of the package<br />{{Package.Total}} {{Package.FeeLabel}}<br /><br />You are free to add on any additionl options that you want</div>",
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"rate": 500,
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"deposit": false,
"currencyRates": []
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"rate": 500,
"taxable": false,
"relativeDueDate": true,
"dueDate": null,
"dueDateRelative": {
"duration": null,
"timeUnit": "WEEKS"
"assignedToList": [],
"tasks": [],
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"rate": 750,
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"dueDate": null,
"dueDateRelative": {
"duration": null,
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"amount": 500,
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"estimateMin": 0,
"retainerStart": null,
"retainerTiming": "Advanced",
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"taxable": false,
"fromProposalId": null,
"fromProposalSignedDate": null,
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"updatedBy": null
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"overrideDeliverablePackageId": null,
"selected": true,
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"depositAmount": 0
"scheduledPayments": [
"id": "ba309f73-1baa-41f8-9a92-07cf0f1dacb9",
"label": "Due upon signing",
"triggerType": "Immediate",
"triggerDate": null,
"relativeTriggerDate": {
"duration": 1,
"timeUnit": "WEEKS"
"mileStoneAchieved": false,
"amountType": "Percentage",
"amount": 33,
"finalPayment": false,
"invoiceDate": null,
"invoiceId": null,
"invoiceNumberFormatted": null,
"calculatedPercentage": 33,
"calculatedAmount": 577.5
"id": "3b63df45-0618-48b0-9a51-ebcfa646416a",
"label": "Midway check-in",
"triggerType": "Milestone",
"triggerDate": "2024-01-05",
"relativeTriggerDate": {
"duration": 1,
"timeUnit": "WEEKS"
"mileStoneAchieved": false,
"amountType": "Percentage",
"amount": 33,
"finalPayment": false,
"invoiceDate": null,
"invoiceId": null,
"invoiceNumberFormatted": null,
"calculatedPercentage": 33,
"calculatedAmount": 577.5
"id": "1da66b4b-88fe-4a94-a49c-08d633060344",
"label": "Final payment - At completion of project",
"triggerType": "Milestone",
"triggerDate": null,
"relativeTriggerDate": {
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"timeUnit": "WEEKS"
"mileStoneAchieved": false,
"amountType": "Percentage",
"amount": 34,
"finalPayment": true,
"invoiceDate": null,
"invoiceId": null,
"invoiceNumberFormatted": null,
"calculatedPercentage": 34,
"calculatedAmount": 595
"signers": [
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"firstName": "Geoffrey",
"lastName": "Mina",
"title": "df",
"email": "",
"extra": "",
"signerType": "CLIENT",
"signatureType": "Keyboard",
"font": "Arizonia",
"signature": "Geoffrey Mina",
"initials": "GM",
"ip": {
"ip": null,
"city": null,
"region": null,
"country": null,
"countryFlag": null
"timestamp": "2024-01-19T12:23:45.106Z",
"locked": true,
"fullName": "Geoffrey Mina"
"id": "rjd8e",
"firstName": "Geoffrey",
"lastName": "Mina",
"title": "CEO",
"email": "",
"extra": "",
"signerType": "USER",
"signatureType": "Keyboard",
"font": "Arizonia",
"signature": "Geoffrey Mina",
"initials": "GM",
"ip": {
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"country": null,
"countryFlag": null
"timestamp": "2024-01-19T12:22:18.533Z",
"locked": true,
"fullName": "Geoffrey Mina"
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