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Ticket webhook events

Definition of webhook events that are triggered on ticket objects

Geoff Mina avatar
Written by Geoff Mina
Updated over 10 months ago

X-Event-Type values

  • TicketCreate

  • TicketUpdate

  • TicketClose

  • TicketDelete

  • TicketComment

"ticket": {
"id": "664f35811408101c26c105f0",
"accountId": 10016,
"clientId": "6592a98d5715034f5db5cfb8",
"clientContactId": -894,
"ticketNumber": 1006,
"ccList": [],
"assignedTo": [],
"dueDate": "2024-06-01",
"subject": "Please do some work for me!",
"open": true,
"type": "2be2f7e5-8806-4de2-85fa-c6aa0a235c58",
"status": "New",
"unread": false,
"unreadClient": true,
"lastComment": "This is going to be some rad comment here that is really awesome.",
"formData": {
answers": [
"id": null,
"fieldKey": "ProjectType",
"fieldType": null,
"question": "What type of project do you need?",
"answer": "Website design"
"id": null,
"fieldKey": "Platform",
"fieldType": null,
"question": "What platform are we developing assets for?",
"answer": "Instagram"
"created": "2024-05-23T12:24:33.349Z",
"updated": "2024-05-23T12:24:33.349Z"
"comments": [
"id": "664f35811408101c26c105f1",
"accountId": 10016,
"ticketId": "664f35811408101c26c105f0",
"commentType": "PUBLIC",
"commentBy": -894,
"commentUserEmail": "",
"commentUserName": "Geoff Mina",
"attachments": [],
"comment": "This is going to be some rad comment here that is really awesome.",
"fromEmail": false,
"created": "2024-05-23T12:24:33.420Z",
"updated": null,
"commentFormat": "PlainText"

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