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Moxie Template / Workflow Tokens

Complete list of tokens available in Moxie

Geoff Mina avatar
Written by Geoff Mina
Updated over a week ago

Tokens can be used in various templates, workflows, and emails. This list is a comprehensive set of all tokens that are available.

Please note that tokens are contextual and not every token is available in every scenario. This is purely for reference.

1. Email Tokens:

• {{Email.Signature}}: Email signature of the account.

2. Client Tokens:

• {{Client.Id}}: Client ID.

• {{Client.Initials}}: Client initials.

• {{Client.Name}}: Client name.

• {{Client.Address1}}: Client address line 1.

• {{Client.Address2}}: Client address line 2.

• {{Client.City}}: Client city.

• {{Client.Locality}}: Client locality (state/province).

• {{Client.Postal}}: Client postal code.

• {{Client.Country}}: Client country.

• {{Client.Phone}}: Client phone number.

• {{Client.Website}}: Client website.

• {{Client.RecordType}}: Type of client record.

• {{ClientLegalName}}: Legal name of the client.

• {{ClientEntityType}}: Type of client entity.

• {{ClientLocality}}: Locality of the client.

• {{ClientInfo}}: Formatted string containing client info.

• {{Contacts.Default}}: Default contact emails.

• {{Contacts.All}}: All contact emails.

• {{Contacts.Invoice}}: Invoice contact emails.

• {{Contacts.Portal}}: Portal access contact emails.

• {{Contacts.Phone.Default}}: Default contact phone numbers.

• {{Contacts.Phone.All}}: All contact phone numbers.

• {{Contacts.Phone.Invoice}}: Invoice contact phone numbers.

• {{Contacts.Phone.Portal}}: Portal access contact phone numbers.

3. Contact Tokens:

• {{Contact.First}}: Contact first name.

• {{Contact.Last}}: Contact last name.

• {{Contact.FullName}}: Contact full name.

• {{Contact.Email}}: Contact email.

• {{Contact.Phone}}: Contact phone number.

• {{Contact.Invoice.First}}: Invoice contact first name.

• {{Contact.Invoice.Last}}: Invoice contact last name.

• {{Contact.Invoice.FullName}}: Invoice contact full name.

• {{Contact.Invoice.Email}}: Invoice contact email.

• {{Contact.Invoice.Phone}}: Invoice contact phone number.

• {{Contact.Custom.[field_key]}}: Custom field value for contact.

4. Opportunity Tokens:

• {{Opportunity.Id}}: Opportunity ID.

• {{Opportunity.Name}}: Opportunity name.

• {{Opportunity.Stage}}: Opportunity stage.

• {{Opportunity.Sentiment}}: Opportunity sentiment.

• {{Opportunity.Value}}: Opportunity value.

• {{Opportunity.EstCloseDate}}: Estimated close date of the opportunity.

• {{Opportunity.ActualCloseDate}}: Actual close date of the opportunity.

• {{Opportunity.EstCloseDate.ISO}}: ISO formatted estimated close date.

• {{Opportunity.ActualCloseDate.ISO}}: ISO formatted actual close date.

• {{Opportunity.FirstName}}: First name from opportunity form data.

• {{Opportunity.LastName}}: Last name from opportunity form data.

• {{Opportunity.FullName}}: Full name from opportunity form data.

• {{Opportunity.Email}}: Email from opportunity form data.

• {{Opportunity.Phone}}: Phone number from opportunity form data.

• {{Opportunity.BusinessName}}: Business name from opportunity form data.

• {{Opportunity.Website}}: Website from opportunity form data.

• {{Opportunity.Address1}}: Address line 1 from opportunity form data.

• {{Opportunity.Address2}}: Address line 2 from opportunity form data.

• {{Opportunity.City}}: City from opportunity form data.

• {{Opportunity.Locality}}: Locality from opportunity form data.

• {{Opportunity.Postal}}: Postal code from opportunity form data.

• {{Opportunity.Country}}: Country from opportunity form data.

• {{Opportunity.TaxId}}: Tax ID from opportunity form data.

• {{Opportunity.Custom.[field_key]}}: Custom field value for opportunity.

5. Project Tokens:

• {{Project.Id}}: Project ID.

• {{Project.Name}}: Project name.

• {{Project.StartDate}}: Project start date.

• {{Project.DueDate}}: Project due date.

• {{Project.StartDate.ISO}}: ISO formatted project start date.

• {{Project.DueDate.ISO}}: ISO formatted project due date.

• {{Project.Complete}}: Project completion status.

• {{Project.Custom.[field_key]}}: Custom field value for project.

6. Scheduled Meeting Tokens:

• {{Meeting.Id}}: Meeting ID.

• {{Meeting.SchedulerName}}: Name of the meeting scheduler.

• {{Meeting.Name}}: Meeting name.

• {{Meeting.Location}}: Meeting location.

• {{Meeting.Start}}: Meeting start date and time.

• {{Meeting.StartFull}}: Full formatted meeting start date and time.

• {{Meeting.End}}: Meeting end date and time.

• {{Meeting.EndFull}}: Full formatted meeting end date and time.

• {{Meeting.Start.ISO}}: ISO formatted meeting start date and time.

• {{Meeting.End.ISO}}: ISO formatted meeting end date and time.

• {{Meeting.Duration}}: Meeting duration.

• {{Meeting.Timezone}}: Meeting timezone.

• {{Meeting.FirstName}}: First name from meeting form data.

• {{Meeting.LastName}}: Last name from meeting form data.

• {{Meeting.FullName}}: Full name from meeting form data.

• {{Meeting.Email}}: Email from meeting form data.

• {{Meeting.Phone}}: Phone number from meeting form data.

• {{Meeting.CancelUrl}}: URL to cancel the meeting.

• {{Meeting.ChangeUrl}}: URL to change the meeting.

• {{Meeting.PaymentAmount}}: Payment amount for the meeting.

• {{Meeting.PaymentMethod}}: Payment method for the meeting.

• {{Meeting.PaymentReceipt}}: Payment receipt URL.

7. Form Submission Tokens:

• {{Form.Name}}: Form name.

• {{Form.FirstName}}: First name from form data.

• {{Form.LastName}}: Last name from form data.

• {{Form.FullName}}: Full name from form data.

• {{Form.Email}}: Email from form data.

• {{Form.Phone}}: Phone number from form data.

• {{Form.BusinessName}}: Business name from form data.

• {{Form.Website}}: Website from form data.

• {{Form.Address1}}: Address line 1 from form data.

• {{Form.Address2}}: Address line 2 from form data.

• {{Form.City}}: City from form data.

• {{Form.Locality}}: Locality from form data.

• {{Form.Postal}}: Postal code from form data.

• {{Form.Country}}: Country from form data.

• {{Form.SourceUrl}}: Source URL from form data.

• {{Form.TaxId}}: Tax ID from form data.

• {{Form.Answer.[field_key]}}: Custom field answer from form data.

8. Invoice Tokens:

• {{Invoice.Id}}: Invoice ID.

• {{Invoice.Status}}: Invoice status.

• {{Invoice.Number}}: Invoice number.

• {{Invoice.DateSent}}: Date the invoice was sent.

• {{Invoice.DateDue}}: Invoice due date.

• {{Invoice.DateSent.ISO}}: ISO formatted date sent.

• {{Invoice.DateDue.ISO}}: ISO formatted due date.

• {{Invoice.OnlineUrl}}: URL to view the invoice online.

• {{Invoice.PayUrl}}: URL to pay the invoice online.

• {{Invoice.Currency}}: Invoice currency.

• {{Invoice.LateFee}}: Late fee amount.

• {{Invoice.DaysPastDue}}: Number of days past due.

• {{Invoice.DaysUntilDue}}: Number of days until due.

• {{Invoice.Total}}: Total invoice amount.

• {{Invoice.AmountDue}}: Amount due on the invoice.

• {{Invoice.PaymentTotal}}: Total payments made.

9. Payment Tokens:

• {{Payment.Id}}: Payment ID.

• {{Payment.Amount}}: Payment amount.

• {{Payment.DatePaid}}: Payment date.

• {{Payment.Currency}}: Payment currency.

• {{Payment.Provider}}: Payment provider.

• {{Payment.PaidBy}}: Who made the payment.

• {{Payment.Memo}}: Payment memo.

10. Discovery Request Tokens:

• {{FormRequest.Name}}: Name of the discovery request form.

• {{FormRequest.OnlineUrl}}: URL to the discovery request form.

11. Agreement Tokens:

• {{Agreement.Id}}: Agreement ID.

• {{Agreement.Name}}: Agreement name.

• {{Agreement.DateCreated}}: Date the agreement was created.

• {{Agreement.DateSent}}: Date the agreement was sent.

• {{Agreement.DateSigned}}: Date the agreement was signed.

• {{Agreement.DateCreated.ISO}}: ISO formatted date created.

• {{Agreement.DateSent.ISO}}: ISO formatted date sent.

• {{Agreement.DateSigned.ISO}}: ISO formatted date signed.

• {{Agreement.FullyExecuted}}: Fully executed status.

• {{Agreement.Status}}: Agreement status.

• {{Agreement.ClientSigned}}: Client signed status.

• {{Signer.FirstName}}: First name of the signer.

• {{Signer.LastName}}: Last name of the signer.

• {{Signer.Title}}: Title of the signer.

• {{Signer.Email}}: Email of the signer.

• {{Agreement.OnlineUrl}}: URL to view the agreement online.

12. Proposal Tokens:

• {{Proposal.Id}}: Proposal ID.

• {{Proposal.Name}}: Proposal name.

• {{Proposal.DateSent}}: Date the proposal was sent.

• {{Proposal.DateSigned}}: Date the proposal was signed.

• {{Proposal.OnlineUrl}}: URL to view the proposal online.

• {{Proposal.Status}}: Proposal status.

• {{Proposal.TotalValue}}: Total value of the proposal.

• {{Proposal.SelectedPackage}}: Selected package in the proposal.

13. Date and Time Tokens:

• {{Date.MMDDYYYY}}: Current date in MM/dd/yyyy format.

• {{Date.MMMDDYYYY}}: Current date in MMM dd, yyyy format.

• {{Date.MMMMDDYYYY}}: Current date in MMMM dd, yyyy format.

• {{Date.DDMMYYYY}}: Current date in dd/MM/yyyy format.

• {{Date.DDMMMYYYY}}: Current date in dd MMM yyyy format.

• {{Date.DDMMMMYYYY}}: Current date in dd MMMM yyyy format.

• {{Date.YYYYMMDD}}: Current date in yyyy-MM-dd format.

• {{Date.Month}}: Current month name.

• {{Date.Year}}: Current year.

• {{Date.24HR}}: Current time in 24-hour format.

• {{Date.12HR}}: Current time in 12-hour format.

• {{Time.24HR}}: Current time in 24-hour format.

• {{Time.12HR}}: Current time in 12-hour format.

• {{Account.Timezone}}: Account timezone.

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