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Templates - email

Create email templates for use with invoices, meetings, forms, and more.

Michelle Lee avatar
Written by Michelle Lee
Updated over a week ago

You type the same email day after day for confirmation or onboarding a new client. Make it simpler by using an email template with your personality and brand.

Create an email template

Begin by expanding the Communicator submenu in the left nav, then click Email templates. Click the "+ Add template" to create a new template. The real star of email templates is the use of tokens (no coding experience necessary). Click any of the carets to see the options for tokens you can add to personalize your emails. Click any token to add it at your cursor.

For example, in your invoice reminder emails, you could use the client name token at the beginning and include the date due and invoice number tokens in your template. Then each time your automatic reminder goes out, your client knows exactly which invoice you're waiting for.

Pro Tip: Any time you are using a Link token in an email template, you can use the link icon in the text editor to put the token directly in the URL field. This will prevent the email from showing a long (potentially ugly) link and will use a nice clean hyperlink instead.

Using email templates

You can, of course, use your email with your Communicator inbox as a reply to an email. Click "Insert template" in any communicator email. You'll be able to edit the template as necessary before you send it.

Where to add your email templates in Moxie:


When you create a form, you can insert your own confirmation using an email template. Once your form is complete, click settings in the upper left corner then use the dropdown to choose the appropriate email template that will send as a confirmation of your receipt of their form.

You can set this template per each type of form you create. So you may want to have a separate template for confirmation of a discovery form filled out and one for a review form filled out.


There are several options for automatic emails to use your email templates. You'll set this up from your workspace settings > preferences > invoices. You can create templates for a new invoice, payment confirmation, due date approaching, and past due notification.

The emails for payment confirmation and past due notification will send automatically based on your preferences. For a new invoice, you will have the option to edit it before you send it when you click share on an invoice and choose Moxie email.

Meeting scheduler

Personalize your confirmation email template after someone schedules a meeting with you. This is configured in your meeting scheduler settings per each meeting scheduler. In the confirmation and reminder settings, just click the dropdown to choose your personalized email template.

You can set a separate template per each type of meeting. You may want to create separate templates for confirmation of a strategy session meeting and another one for quick check-in meetings. You can include attachments in your templates if you need to send other paperwork with any template.

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