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Summer '24 Updates
Robert avatar
Written by Robert
Updated over a week ago

Meeting scheduler (b)

We are now able to include additional attendees. These may consist of Moxie teammates or individuals from outside the organization.

New Calendar Integration

Moxie now supports CalDAV calendar integrations. If you utilize a hosted calendar that is not directly integrated with Moxie (such as Google, Apple, or Microsoft), you can likely connect your calendar through CalDAV.

By connecting your calendar with CalDAV, your events will be visible in the Moxie Homebase calendar. Additionally, you will be able to check your availability and automatically add meetings from the Meeting Scheduler to your linked calendar.

Recurring Event System

The recurring event system has gotten an overhaul to add a bunch of new capabilities. Options such as: Weekly but only on specific days of the week. Monthly on the 1st Monday. As well as the existing "custom" scheduler that lets you choose specific frequencies and time units.

Project Templates

Project templates now let you define recurring tasks in the template, allowing you to build out complete project definitions (not just the one-off) tasks. When editing the project template and task, you will now see a recurrence section to let you define the rules for the recurring task.

Business Summary Emails

We also added the ability to turn off Business Summary emails in the dashboard. Just click the gear icon to control how often you get the emails (Moxie Assistant workspaces only)

Client Action Workflow

We deployed a change to make this reminder optional. When we deployed it, we reverted everyone back to "disabled", so unless you actually want the reminders to go off, you don't need to do anything.

Moxie Migrations!

Are you finding yourself too busy to finish your migration to Moxie? Maybe you just need a hand getting your old data imported?

We are now offering basic migration services for $149(USD).

The service includes:

  • Import historical account data (invoices, contacts, accounting, etc.)

  • Configure workspace settings

  • Creating a branded invoice template

  • Add existing projects and tasks

  • Set up client portal and permissions

  • Up to 5 email templates

  • Configure 1 meeting scheduler

  • Create 1 form template with mappings

Click here to learn more about the program and submit your info. Turnaround time is dependent on the volume of workspaces we are processing, but we are shooting for 1 week or less.

Note: This service does NOT replace the amazing work our Partner community does. If you need more comprehensive setup (Lots of templates, workflow automations, or a full turnkey solution), you will still want to reach out to one of our approved implementers.

Agreements Module Improvements

The mobile responsiveness has been improved in a pretty important area. The horizontal padding of elements will now reduce in a mobile viewport as compared to a desktop view. This means you can add a nice amount of left/right padding to your desktop version to make the agreement look good... but if the client is viewing on a mobile device, the left right padding will be reduced to accommodate the smaller screen size.

You can now print (or preview what a print would look like) directly from the main app Agreement Builder or Agreement Template builder. Just click Cmd+P or Ctrl+P to trigger the print dialog.

Payment Plans

We can now choose a fixed amount or a percentage for any of the installments.

Note: If you used fixed amounts and end up with a negative amount as the last payment, the payment plan will fail to run.

Moxie AI Assistant

Moxie Assistant leverages AI technology to simplify your daily tasks, providing you with intelligent insights, efficient summarization, advanced writing support, and conversational configuration.

  • Business analysis and reporting

  • Summarization services

  • Writing Assistant

  • Conversational Configuration

Check this presentation or our help center article to learn more and get started.

Meeting Scheduler (a)

For those conducting in-person meetings at a client’s location, you can now utilize tokens in the 'Location' field to automatically populate the physical meeting location in the calendar event, based on the information provided by the client in the connected form.

  • Ensure that the form linked to your scheduler has the address fields properly mapped.

  • Use the appropriate tokens in the 'Location' field to auto-populate the meeting location upon booking.

UX/UI Improvements – Agreements v2

We have received some polish on the UI/UX side. You will notice a few minor and major improvements to the interface of the agreement builder. We took a lot of the feedback from our users and compiled that down into a handful of actionable improvements. Nothing mind blowing - but it does make the process of building and updating a lot smoother.

  • Left bar updates - changed the navigation to change tabs to a vertical icon widget

  • Redesign of elements widget page

  • Redesign of styles settings

  • Redesign of content sections

  • Added ability to move sections up and down without drag and drop

  • Added ability to add sections in between existing sections without drag and drop via (+) button between sections

  • Totally redesigned "Services" configuration that makes it easier to manage line items, settings, and add-ons inline.


We now have the capability to automatically create a ticket upon the submission of a public form.

To enable this feature, ensure that the form has a mapped field for the email address. The system will attempt to associate the client or contact based on the provided email. If no match is found, the ticket will still be created; however, the client and requester fields will remain unset. All submitted data will still be visible in the form section of the ticket.

This functionality can also be leveraged in conjunction with creating a pipeline opportunity, offering additional possibilities for managing workflows.

Universal Search+

Find anything in your workspace. Navigate without clicking. Slash commands - because why not!

The goal of Universal Search+ is to make all of your interactions with Moxie as efficient and streamlined as possible. Access Universal Search+ by pressing Cmd+K on a Mac or Ctrl+K on a Windows computer. or just click the search icon on the top bar.

Feature Updates

  • Embedded payment update - we have completely overhauled the embedded payment experience for agreements and meeting schedulers. The big takeaways are that embedded payments look a lot nicer, now support 3DS card authentication, and in agreements you can accept bank transfers as well as card / wallet payments.

  • Variable Stripe Fees - You can now configure your base Stripe fees in Workspace settings --> Preferences --> Invoices. This rate is used in the calculation when you opt to pass Stripe processing fees along to clients. In North America it is 2.9%, but in Australia it is 1.7%. Please review your Stripe account and set this value accordingly.

  • More items linkable to Pipeline Opportunities - We had requests to expand the types of items that can be linked to a sales pipeline opportunity. You can now link time entries, moxie calendar events, and tickets to a pipeline opportunity.

  • Improvement to QBO and Xero tax integration - Setting an override tax rate on a per client basis now correctly selects the corresponding QBO or Xero tax rate when creating new invoices. This is useful if you have exempt clients and you want to set their tax rate to 0.

API Update

In the ongoing theme of making our ticketing platform more awesome(r), we have introduced full support for ticket webhooks and public API for creating tickets and adding comments to existing tickets.

We have also updated our Zapier and Make apps to add the functionality. Zapier is live. Make is in review.

Check this help center articles to learn more:

Scheduled Emails

Do you enjoy working at 3AM on a Saturday, but don't want your client thinking they can email you at all times of day or night... if so, this update is for you!

We just rolled out the ability to "Schedule send" (#1 highest upvoted feature) emails within Moxie. This works for Invoices, Agreements, Forms, as well as just generic email inside of the Communicator Inbox.

Choose from some predetermined time periods that make sense relative to the current date/time or select an exact date/time to send the email.

You can see any email that is currently scheduled in new section that can be found in: Inbox --> Scheduled Emails.

Ticketing Upgrades

Tickets are now a primary module: You will now find "Tickets" directly in the Left nav making it easier to access and manage your actionable tickets and requests.

Tickets to tasks: Tickets can now be seamlessly converted to a task within the project management system. This is great for when the ticketing system is purely used for intake while the project management system is utilized to get the actual work done.

Ticket/Task synchronization: When tickets and tasks are linked, comments, fille attachments, etc. are all sync'd across the two so you aren't required to jump back and forth between modules to see what's what.

Time tracking on tickets: You can now track time directly to a ticket. This can be done both retroactively and with the real-time timer widget.

Invoicing directly for time tracked to a ticket: The time tracked for tickets is now available in the invoicing module so that you can clearly show the billing breakdown (hours and cost) for each ticket that your team worked on.

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