Clients are the bread-and-butter of your freelance world. As such, the Moxie design team makes the client file the center of all functionality within Moxie.
It all begins with a client, so, let's add one!
Add a client
Pick a client you'd like to add to Moxie first.
If you're new to freelancing and don't have an active client yet, that's okay. Moxie is still the right tool for you. Check out our sales pipeline tool for tracking all of your prospects.
To add a client, use the quick add clients button from Homebase or click Clients and click the + in the right corner.
Add as much or as little information as you know for your client. Only your client's name is required. Edit client details or add invoicing and payment settings like fee structure and rounding increments by clicking on your new client and choosing edit from their overview screen.
Pro tip: Any client information you add here will automatically populate for you in other areas of Moxie, like agreements or invoices.
Keep all your client work in one place
Star clients you work with the most so they stay pinned to your left panel.
Each tab within clients is robust with features and functionality connecting all of your projects, invoices, contracts, forms, and more to your client. No more searching through emails, notebooks, or Slack messages.
Tab | Function |
Overview |
Invoices |
Deposits |
Inbox |
Timesheets |
Agreements |
Forms |
Meetings |