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Sales pipeline

Manage all of your upcoming opportunities with forecasting and tracking built in.

Geoff Mina avatar
Written by Geoff Mina
Updated over 3 months ago

Moxie's Sales Pipeline provides a single place to track all of your opportunities, communication with leads, and sales process activities. In addition to tracking the progress of opportunities as they move through your sales process, Pipeline includes a forecasting module to help you visualize your projected income for the next 12 months.

Opportunity overview

The overview screen provides a quick view into all of your opportunities in the various stages of your sales process. Filter and sort by stage, confidence, value, next due to help you focus on the right opportunity at the right time.

The stage summary bubbles at the top of the screen provide an overview of the number of opportunities and their value in any stage. The overview bubbles are clickable to quickly filter down your list to see only opportunities in the stage you are interested in.

Opportunity detail


Clicking into an opportunity will open the detail window which provides access to edit all of the fields (standard and custom). Simply click on the value on the right column to update the opportunity as you learn more through your sales process. You are not required to have a client / prospect initially, but when you are ready to convert the lead to a client, you can do so directly from this screen.

  • Stage - defines what stage in your sales process the opportunity is currently in. These values are fully customizable (See customization below)

  • Confidence - Choose the value which most closely aligns with how you are feeling about winning the opportunity. Using these values is helpful when you use the forecasting tools to filter out deals with lower confidence.

  • Estimated value - How much you believe you will make each week/month/year/etc if you win the opportunity. **This field is required for inclusion in the forecasting charts.

  • Estimated Close date - When you believe the opportunity will close. **This field is required for inclusion in the forecasting charts.

  • Description - Short description of the opportunity for reference.

  • To-Do - Any action items you need to do as you work toward closing the opportunity. You can apply dates to your to-do items which will show up on the overview cards as "Next due" values to quickly see when you are supposed to reach out.

Pro-tip: In your Sales pipeline (left nav) > Settings, you can add default to-dos with dates so you never forget a follow-up or detail with a new opportunity.

Notes / Attachments

Takes notes on your discovery calls and upload attachments to the opportunity as you gather information from your client or prospect. This allows you to keep everything organized and easily accessible when it comes time to send a proposal, contract, or quote.


The activity section will show the history of things created within Moxie as it relates to this opportunity. From here you can also send emails, proposals, invoices, discovery forms, etc. All of the activities will automatically be associated with and tagged to the opportunity for easy reference.

Related activities will be automatically attached to the opportunity. For example, if you send a proposal connected with an opportunity and that proposal has automations enabled to create a project and an invoice when the proposal is fully executed, the related project and invoice will automatically be attached to the opportunity. In addition, any future invoices for the project connected with this opportunity will be linked as well.

Even if you don't send your activity directly from the opportunity activity screen, you can always go back later and connect the item to the opportunity using the new link feature that is found throughout the app. Anywhere you see the pipeline icon, you can connect a Moxie activity with one or more opportunities.

The linking feature is enabled for:

  • Form submissions

  • Scheduled meetings

  • Proposals / quotes / contracts

  • Invoices

  • Projects

  • Emails

  • Text Message threads

  • Phone calls

Lead info

If your opportunity was automatically created via a meeting scheduler or form submission, you will see any of the lead contact info as well as any questions your form gathered here.

Pro tip: To connect your form or meeting scheduler with your pipeline, simply navigate to the form or meeting scheduler and choose the stage in your pipeline that you would like the new lead to be entered into.


If you have workflow automations set up, you can view what automations have run with this opportunity and their status. Click any automation to view more details.


The forecasting feature of the pipeline will allow you to predict your income out for the next 12 months. Using the filters available, you can choose which opportunities you want to use for the purposes of forecasting. For example, you may not want to see any opportunities that have low confidence scores in your forecast, or you may not want to see opportunities that aren't far enough along in the pipeline stages yet.

The forecast shows 3 sections. The green in the example is income from deals that have been marked as "Closed Won". The middle section (cold gray) is for opportunities that are currently "In Progress". The top section (warm gray) is your total possible income if you were to close all of the opportunities currently selected in your filters.

Note: Opportunities must have an estimated closed date and estimated value before they will flow into the forecast chart.



Pipeline allows you to fully customize your sales process stages as well as the data you need to capture with each opportunity. You can access the pipeline settings from your workspace settings menu.

Pipeline comes default with a set of stages that will make sense for many businesses. Feel free to add, remove, or re-order as you see fit. The "Label" column is what you will see in the Pipeline. The "Stage type" tells the system how to treat the stage from a forecasting standpoint. The stage types are:

  • New (included in forecast)

  • In progress (included in forecast)

  • On hold

  • Closed won (included in forecast as "closed won")

  • Closed lost

  • Complete

Note: As you can see in the example, you can have as many labels associated with a Stage Type as makes sense for you.

Custom fields

In addition to customizing stages, you can add custom fields to your Opportunity to capture additional structured data. Choose an appropriate icon, name your field, choose the type (Text, Currency, Number, Radio, Select, etc) and then set up your options for multiple choice types. These custom fields will show up on your overview screen immediately following the standard fields.

Default to-dos

If there is a set of tasks you complete when every opportunity comes in, you can add them in default to-dos with a rolling due date. These will appear on your calendar as well as in your "work to do" in your homebase.

If you have feedback or suggestions about how your sales pipeline with Moxie can work better for your business, be sure to add your suggestions to our feedback site!

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