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How to use the Moxie meeting scheduler
How to use the Moxie meeting scheduler

Send a link for your clients to schedule meetings on your time.

Geoff Mina avatar
Written by Geoff Mina
Updated over 4 months ago

Meeting scheduler gives you a streamlined and professional tool to schedule meetings with your clients and prospects. Eliminate the frustrating back-and-forth process that is required to find a time that works for everyone. Simply send your scheduler link or embed the scheduler directly into your website.

Scheduler integrates seamlessly with Google Meet, Google Calendar, Zoom, Sessions and your Moxie calendar. Automatically check your availability against the Moxie calendar and your connected calendar(s) to make sure you never get double booked. When you connect your Google or Zoom account, you can automatically add video conferencing locations to your meeting invitations. Don't use Google or Zoom? No problem, Meeting schedulers work equally well without any third party app connections.

Watch this video or read more below.

Here's what your scheduler will look like for your clients:

Pro tip: Connect your calendars to get the most out of meeting scheduler. Configure this in workspace settings > Integrations.

Getting started

Before you can start accepting meetings, you will need to configure a scheduler. In the left navigation panel, look for "Meetings", click on the dropdown arrow to show the sub-menu. Click on "Meeting schedulers" Click the + to create a new meeting type. If "Meetings" doesn't show on the left nav, click on "More" to show all unpinned modules. Then, look for "Meetings" and click on the pin icon beside it to show it on the left nav for easier access.

Scheduler overview:

Once your meeting is created, you will see the overview screen. Here you configure a unique meeting name, location, and duration of the meeting.

  • Name: The unique name you want for this scheduler. This name becomes part of the public link you will share with your clients, so pick something that is relatively short and descriptive.

  • Meeting duration: Decide how long you would like the meeting to last. You can configure anything from 5 minutes all the way up to a full day (or more) for the booking using the "Custom" duration.

  • Location: Here you can configure where the meeting will be held. The options are:

    • Google Meet - Link your Google account under the Integrations section of account settings.

    • Microsoft - Link to your Microsoft calendar in the connected apps section.

    • Sessions - Link a Sessions account under the Integrations section of Account Preferences.

    • Zoom - Link a Zoom account under the Integrations section of Account Preferences.

    • Phone-In - Provide a phone number for your invitee to call at the time of the booking.

    • Phone-Out - Gather the invitees phone number at booking so you can call them at the pre-determined time.

    • Physical address - Add a physical address where the meeting will be conducted.

    • Custom - Anything that doesn't fit into the above categories... you can go crazy and ask / enter anything you want.

  • Message: Enter any important information you would like to convey to the invitee. They will see it on the front page of the scheduler.

  • Add meeting to connected calendar: If you have multiple calendars connected, choose which calendar you'd like to add this meeting to.

  • Additional attendees: You may add a team member to a meeting by choosing on the dropdown options or you may add just anyone by adding their contact email directly on the additional attendees field.

  • Meeting link: This is your unique meeting link for this scheduler. Share this when you are ready (or click the "share" link at the top if you want to embed in your website). You'll also be able to access this from your homebase focus tab in the quick links in the lower right.

  • Scheduler owner: Assign the meeting to a user within your account (collaborator or full access team member). This limits who gets notifications and visibility of the meeting. If you select no ownership, that scheduled meeting can be viewed by all full users in the workspace. Collaborators will only see their own meetings.

  • Add meeting to pipeline: Choose where (if anywhere) in your sales pipeline you'd like meetings scheduled to be placed in your sales pipeline.

  • Link active: If you want to disable this particular meeting scheduler, simply flip the switch to inactive. Any existing meeting will still be valid and only new meetings will no longer be accepted.

  • Show in Client Portal: Opt to allow your clients to schedule a meeting with you in their client portal.

Set your availability:

Configure what days and times you would like to make yourself available for meetings. Under the advanced section there are a number of settings to allow you to fine tune your meeting scheduling rules.

  • Schedule time zone: Set the time zone you want to set the meetings within. The invitee will always see the available schedule in their own time zone, so this setting is just for you.

  • Weekly schedule: Here you can configure what days and times you would like to make yourself available. Click the [+] on the right to add additional time slots during a single day. If you want to make yourself unavailable on a particular day, simply click the trash can to remove the schedule for that day.

  • Check availability against...: If you have a Google Calendar connected to your account, you can choose to check your availability against your Google Calendar. Using this option will ensure you are never double booked - even if you are taking meetings and scheduling activities outside of Moxie!

  • Advanced: In the advanced section you can fine tune the rules for accepting meetings on this scheduler:

    • Limit days in future - This setting allows you to control how many days in the future meetings are allowed to be booked. If you set this number to "30", the scheduler will not show any availability in your calendar further than 30 days into the future.

    • Max bookings per day - Limit the number of meetings you want to accept in a single day. Once that number of meetings are scheduled on a single day, no more available times will be shown to invitees for that day.

    • Block time before and after the meeting - Nobody likes back-to-back meetings. Configure how much time you want to make sure you have before and after every meeting. This feature integrates with Google and Moxie calendars to ensure that even meetings booked elsewhere are given sufficient buffer time.

    • Start increments - Choose whether you want to offer time slots in increments :15, :30, or :60 minutes during the day. For example

      • 15 minute - 1:00, 1:15, 1:30: 1:45, 2:00

      • 30 minute: 1:00, 1:30, 2:00

      • 60 minute: 1:00, 2:00

    • Don't accept meetings before/Stop accepting meetings after - Have vacation coming up? Use this to block time before or after.

    • Required notice - How soon before the booking time is the invitee allowed to book. Nobody likes last minute meetings, so make sure you configure enough time to prepare for the meeting!

Question form:

The scheduler integrates with the same forms that are used for client discovery. Add a form to your meeting to streamline collecting necessary information from clients. You have the option to save the submitted form data with the scheduled event as well as creating a record in your Form submission results.

Confirmation & reminder:

Add multiple reminders and choose how you'd like to send them.


Native calendar

Sent directly your connected Google meet, Zoom, or Sessions.


Sent from Moxie from a custom email template that you create.


Sent from your Moxie business phone line. Use the tokens next to the compose block to reference the meeting.

The timing dropdown controls how soon before the meeting your reminder is sent.

Separately from the meeting invite, you can set a confirmation email using an email template if you'd like to send a separate confirmation email immediately after the meeting is scheduled.

After your meeting has been scheduled, the person who scheduled the meeting will be directed to a default confirmation page with the meeting details and various "add to calendar" links.

If you prefer to have the user redirected to a page on your website, you can choose the custom URL option and input the location you want the user sent to. If you are interested in showing the data on your own web page, you can choose to have basic meeting information appended to the redirect as URL parameters. For example:


Require payment before a meeting can be booked. Toggle the setting on and set your price and currency. Click the payment box to add any terms and conditions for your payment info that will display when someone schedules this meeting.


On the preview page you can completely customize the left panel by clicking the text editor. Add any meeting information such as location, time, duration, meeting name, etc by adding tokens. Click through the tabs above the scheduler to view the question form, edit the meeting confirmation, and the cancel meeting message.

The preview version of the scheduler will show you exactly what the client will see with the exception that it won't allow you to actually book the time. You can preview the time slots and ensure everything was configured correctly in the question form tab.

If you want to test a booking, simply navigate to the link available under the "Share" button to test everything out end-to-end.


Choose whether you want to show your logo at the top of the scheduler as well as what accent color, background color and button color that best matches your branding. You can also change the text of the labels as you click through each tab. These settings are useful if you decide to embed the scheduler directly into your website.

Sharing and publishing:
Under the share menu at the top there are options for either getting the direct link to your schedule or accessing embed code to place the scheduler directly into your website. The direct link is great for including in your email signature or simply putting on your website to redirect people to book meetings with you.

If you want a more integrated experience, the embed code will allow you to seamlessly integrate the scheduler directly into your website. This works with all modern website builders including Webflow, Shopify, Wordpress, Wix, etc. Please check your platforms documentation on how to include custom HTML iFrames.

You can also create a link for internal use that puts you in admin-mode and allows you to schedule outside of your hours and doesn't check for conflicts.

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