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Moxie Invoicing: Create, Manage, and Send Invoices
Moxie Invoicing: Create, Manage, and Send Invoices

Learn how Moxie can streamline your finances so you get paid regularly and on time.

Geoff Mina avatar
Written by Geoff Mina
Updated over a month ago

Moxie makes it easy to keep track of your invoices and get paid for your work. This guide will show you how to create, customize, and send professional invoices to your clients.

Before you get started

Make sure you have at least one client set up in Moxie. Our online invoicing software is built to work seamlessly with other features, like time tracking, project management, and expense tracking.

You can also begin with invoices by creating your own invoice template. View and edit invoice templates in workspace settings > templates > invoices. Once you set a default template, whenever you create an invoice, it will use the template you designed.

Create an invoice

You can quickly add a new invoice from your home base focus tab or from the accounting > invoices tab. Click the "+" in the upper right to get started. You can create a standard invoice, deposit invoice, or recurring invoice.

If you select Standard or Payment plan, an invoice will open with your default invoice template. Edit as necessary using your invoice tokens.

If you select Deposit, you'll be asked to add your deposit amount and then taken to the invoice template, which will contain the amount you previously specified.

If you select Recurring, you'll be able to configure the frequency of this invoice's recurrence, automatic sending and charging, and how you want your invoice to appear.

In the sample invoice template, we use a tokenized text box to show the invoice number, total, date issued, and due date. The due date is based on the terms you set in your agreement with your client. View these terms in the agreement or the client file by clicking the client, then "edit," then "Invoicing & payment settings."

You will see options in the invoice body based on the outstanding items in your account. (This is the "Line items" section when you create your invoice template.)

Add new line item: These are products and services that are not tied to a tracked project. Create a new line item, and it will be saved for you to use in the future using this line in your invoices. Manage these in your product and service library.

Add tracked hours or billable projects: Anything in Moxie that you have tracked - projects, time, retainer, completed per item tasks - that have not yet been added to an invoice.

Add reimbursable expense: This will not appear if you don't have any expenses. If you have an expense that needs to be reimbursed, you will see this line in that client's invoices until it is added.

Apply deposit credit: this will not appear if you did not create a deposit invoice to ask for a deposit from your client or if there isn't any remaining credit to be added.

Set up details like your tax rate and update labels in your invoice template. You can also insert a text container for payment instructions and compliance headers. In your template, you can also create a spot for attached files.

Add a discount

You can add a percentage discount to an invoice by clicking the line item block to edit it. In the left panel, you can add a discount percentage.

If you'd like to add a fixed amount as a discount, you can click "Add new line item" and create a product or service called "Discount" (or whatever you like) and add a negative (-) value.

Save this to your product and service library, and you can then add it to this and future invoices.


You can request a deposit before starting work, no matter which fee structure you use. To request a deposit for general work together, create an invoice and choose Deposit as the invoice type. Once the deposit is paid, you’ll be able to apply the amount to future invoices.

You can also collect a deposit directly from your contract or proposal. Read more about creating your first agreement with integrated deposit payment here.

You can also use payment plans to request a deposit and other installment payments for a specific project.

Create a recurring freelance invoice

If you send regular invoices to a particular client, you can schedule them to be generated automatically. To create a recurring invoice, navigate to accounting > invoices, or to your client > invoices and choose "recurring."

Set up your recurring invoice for frequency and a start date. You can toggle whether you want the invoices sent automatically or if you'd like to receive a notification to approve the invoice before it is sent. Notifications are at the bell icon in the upper right corner.

You can also choose how you want to show your hourly work broken down — daily, weekly, monthly, or just a total. Depending on how you bill, opt to include tracked hours and/or projects. For example, you may set a fixed price for a project but track your hours for that project for your own knowledge. Then, you would check "billable projects" but not "billable client hours."

An automatic invoice will be generated the next time an invoice is scheduled. You can view and edit invoices from your invoice list in accounting or in your client file.

Send an invoice

Once an invoice is ready, you can save it to send later or send it right away. When sending, you can send a Moxie email with the invoice included or download a PDF. If you send the invoice through a Moxie email, select which contact to email the invoice to, and include a note as well. Both the subject line and message of the Moxie email are editable, and a link to the invoice will automatically be added.

Pro tip: Create email templates that are sent with new invoices, payment confirmation, due date approaching, or past due notifications. After you create your templates, configure them to send automatically win your workspace settings > preferences > invoices.

Invoice tracking

When you send an invoice, it will appear in your client’s invoices tab with a status of "Sent." If the payment becomes overdue, the status will update to "Late," and the late payment fee you selected in the client’s terms will be applied. There’s no need to resend invoices once they are overdue; the late fee will be added to the total shown when your client opens the invoice.

All drafted and sent invoices will appear in your invoice list. Upcoming recurring or payment plan invoices have their own separate tab.

If you want, you can waive late payment fees. Click the invoice to open it, and use the "Waive late payment fee" button to remove the charge. This change is reversible; re-open the invoice to add the fee back.

If you collect payment outside of Moxie (e.g., via check, ACH, Venmo, etc), document that payment using the "Record a payment" button in the overflow menu. If you decide to stop trying to collect payment on an unpaid invoice, use the "Write off" button.

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