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Template tokens

Using tokens in email, invoice, and agreement templates.

Michelle Lee avatar
Written by Michelle Lee
Updated today

For each of your template types, you can use tokens so that the template references correct specific information. Tokens format must be written as "Token.Name" enclosed in double curly brackets {{ }} and must not include any # symbol at the beginning. Here is a quick guide to types of tokens you can use.

Account tokens

For use in invoice and agreement templates.

Where this information comes from: Workspace settings > My business

Example use case: In your agreement, use this to list your contact information and let it automatically update based on your business information in your account settings.

  • {{Account.Name}}

  • {{Account.TaxId}}

  • {{Account.Address1}}

  • {{Account.Address2}}

  • {{Account.City}}

  • {{Account.Locality}} - in the US, this is your state

  • {{Account.Postal}} - postal code (in the US, this is your zip code)

  • {{Account.Country}}

  • {{Account.Phone}}

  • {{Account.Website}}

Invoice tokens

There are two different sets of tokens that reference invoices. One set is unique to use in invoice templates. The other set is unique to use in email templates. Both are explained here in detail.

Invoice tokens used in invoice templates only

Example use case: In your invoice template, use these tokens in any text box to add information you want there to each unique invoice automatically.


Where the information comes from


Set per invoice

The invoice itself


Set account wide

Your chosen invoice numbering sequence. Set in workspace settings > preferences > invoices


Set per invoice

Date you created the invoice


Set per invoice

Date the invoice will be due based on the terms set in the client invoicing and payment settings (client > edit > invoicing & payment settings)


Set per invoice

Unique URL to this invoice


Set per invoice

Unique URL directly to payment through your connected to your online payment processor


Set per client

Currency set in client details (client > edit > business info)


Set per invoice

Add when you create the invoice


Set account wide or per client

Set account wide in workspace settings > preferences > invoices or by individual client under client > edit > invoicing & payment settings


Set per client

Late fees are set in client > edit > invoicing & payment settings


Set per invoice

Automatically set based on the due date


Set account wide

Add your compliance header in workspace settings > preferences > invoices

Invoice tokens used in email templates

Example use case: Add these tokens to an email template to remind your client to pay their invoice on time. Set these up to send automatically in Workspace settings > Preferences > Invoices.

Invoice#: - Number of the invoice you are referencing

Date sent - Date the invoice was originally sent

Date due - Date invoice is due

Invoice URL - link to the full invoice

Pay URL - link directly to pay via your connected online payment provider (Stripe/PayPal)

Currency - currency of this particular client (set under client > edit > invoicing & payment settings)

Late fee - late fee that will be charged. Set when they sign an agreement with these terms (created in the legal terms of your agreement) and stored under client > edit > invoicing & payment settings

Days past due - calculated based on the due date

Total - The full original amount due on your invoice

Amount due - Total amount currently due including any payments that have been made

Total payments - Total payments that have been made (use in your receipt email after recording a payment)

Client tokens

For use in invoice, agreement, and email templates.

Use these when you want to address your client by their business name.

Where this information comes from: Client information entered by you or automatically pulled in from adding a client from an opportunity (pro tip: have your client do all the work by using forms).

Example use case: Anywhere you want to reference client information without actually having to type it all out yourself like it’s 2001.

You’ll also be able to use tokens for custom fields you create. They will appear on your list as "{{Client.Custom.yourcustomfieldname}}" without the enclosed quotation mark.

List of available tokens:

  • {{Client.Name}}

  • {{Client.TaxId}}

  • {{Client.Address1}}

  • {{Client.Address2}}

  • {{Client.City}}

  • {{Client.Locality}} - in the US, this is your state

  • {{Client.Postal}} - postal code (in the US, this is your zip code)

  • {{Client.Country}}

  • {{Client.Phone}}

  • {{Client.Website}}

  • {{Client.DepositBalance}} - what remains to be used from a deposit for work

  • {{}}

Contact tokens

For use in invoice and email templates. In an agreement, you'll use signer tokens.

Use these when you want to address your client by their name.

Where this information come from: Information added to a contact card.

Example use case: Use this instead of client tokens if your clients are businesses and you’d prefer to address the person instead of the business name.

You’ll also be able to use tokens for custom fields you create. They will appear on your list as {{Contact.Custom.yourcustomfieldname}}

List of available tokens:

  • {{Contact.First}}

  • {{Contact.Last}}

  • {{Contact.FullName}}

  • {{Contact.Email}}

  • {{Contact.Phone}}

Opportunity tokens

For use in agreement and email templates.

Use these when you want to reference something that has been stored in your pipeline.

Where this information come from: Information added to an opportunity.

Example use case: Use this for initial agreements and/or workflow automations emails as you talk to a prospective client about new work.

List of available tokens:

  • {{Opportunity.Name}}

  • {{Opportunity.Description}}

  • {{Opportunity.FirstName}}

  • {{Opportunity.LastName}}

  • {{Opportunity.Email}}

  • {{Opportunity.Phone}}

  • {{Opportunity.Role}}

  • {{Opportunity.BusinessName}}

  • {{Opportunity.Website}}

  • {{Opportunity.Address1}}

  • {{Opportunity.Address2}}

  • {{Opportunity.City}}

  • {{Opportunity.Locality}} - in the US, this is the state

  • {{Opportunity.Postal}} - Postal code/Zip code

  • {{Opportunity.Country}}

  • {{Opportunity.Custom.your-custom-mapped-field-name}}

Email template specific tokens

In your email templates, you have several other tokens available to you so that you can create automated workflows.

Form links - directly link to any form you've created to ask a client to complete a form.

Form submission - reference mapped submissions from a form. (Use case: In a workflow automation, you could create an email template and set it to automatically send and reference information directly from the form.)

Meetings - reference information from a meeting scheduled (start/end time, location, duration, payment information, change url, etc). Use in an email template follow-up for a meeting that was scheduled.

Opportunity - reference information from opportunity details in your pipeline including any custom fields.

Payment - Reference what has been paid (amount, date paid, currency, payment provider, paid by, memo) on a particular invoice

Proposals (Agreements) - Reference what is in an agreement (name of the proposal, quote, or contract, dates sent or signed, or direct link to the proposal)

Scheduler links - Direct links to a specific scheduler. Use a token in your workflow automations so this meeting is associated with an opportunity automatically.

Subscriptions - If you are using subscription billing, use these to reference a direct payment link or product selection (use case: to create your email template to invite your clients to a subscription).

Agreement specific tokens

For use in agreement templates.

Adding packages to your agreements is easier when you use tokens so you're always referencing the right package.

Where this information comes from: Project management > Templates.

Add to an agreement by dragging the "Services" widget into your agreement. Click to edit. Scroll down to "Packages" and click "Import template" to add your project template to the agreement.

Or create a package from scratch within the agreement.

Package (project) tokens:

  • {{Package.Name}}

  • {{Package.Total}}

  • {{Package.TotalWithTax}}

  • {{Package.Tax}}

  • {{Package.TaxRate}}

  • {{Package.FeeLabel}}

  • {{Package.StartDate}}

  • {{Package.HourEstimateMin}}

  • {{Package.HourEstimateMax}}

  • {{Package.DepositPercent}}

  • {{Package.HourlyOverage}}

  • {{Package.DepositAmount}

Agreement tokens:

Where this information comes from: The agreement. Simple as that.

  • {{Agreement.Name}}

  • {{Agreement.DateCreated}}

  • {{Agreement.DateSigned}}

Payment tokens:

Where this information comes from: These will total based on what your client chooses from your packages in the agreement.

  • UpFront.Total = what the first invoice will be which includes one time payments (with or without payment plan) and the first period of any recurring packages (first month/year). This will align with the amount charged to the card if you are using integrated payment.

  • OneTime.Total, OneTime.Tax, OneTime.TotalWithTax = The total packages and add-ons selected that are non-recurring fees.

  • Recurring.Total, Recurring.Tax, Recurring.TotalWithTax = The total packages and add-ons selected that are recurring fees

Signer tokens:

Where this information comes from: This information will be pulled from the contacts you have added in your client. In your client overview, in the lower left panel with client information, you'll see "clients" with circles under it. Click the + circle to add a contact.

To choose the correct signer for the agreement, in the left panel, click on the signers icon and add the correct account or client signers.

Click to add your client signer. If you have multiple contacts for one client, you can select the correct person or persons to sign your document.

  • {{Signer.FirstName}}

  • {{Signer.LastName}}

  • {{Signer.Email}}

  • {{Signer.Title}}

Meeting Tokens:

Where this information comes from: This information will be pulled from a booked meetings for any of your Moxie meeting schedulers.

{{Meeting.Name}} - This going to be the lead/client full name / scheduler name (Roberth Aguilon / 30 MINUTES MEETING)

{{Meeting.SchedulerName}} - This is going to be the your scheduler name/title (30 MINUTES MEETING)

{{Meeting.Location}} - This is going to be the Google Meet, Zoom or other meeting conferencing link where client can use to enter the meeting.

{{Meeting.Start}} - This is the meeting start date & time in short format: (February 27, 2025 at 11:30:00 AM EST)

{{Meeting.StartFull}} - This is the meeting start date & time in long format: (Thursday, February 27, 2025 at 11:30:00 AM Eastern Standard Time)

{{Meeting.End}} - This is the meeting end date & time in short format: (February 27, 2025 at 11:30:00 AM EST)

{{Meeting.EndFull}} - This is the meeting end date & time in long format: (Thursday, February 27, 2025 at 11:30:00 AM Eastern Standard Time)

{{Meeting.Duration}} - This is the meeting length from start to end time.

{{Meeting.Timezone}} - This is the lead/client's local time zone where they accessed the schedluer.

{{Meeting.FirstName}} - This is the first name entered by the lead in the meeting's question form.

{{Meeting.LastName}} - This is the last name entered by the lead in the meeting's question form.

{{Meeting.FullName}} - This is the full name entered by the lead in the meeting's question form.

{{Meeting.Email}} - This is the email address entered by the lead in the meeting's question form.

{{Meeting.Phone}} - This is the phone number entered by the lead in the meeting's question form.

{{Meeting.CancelUrl}} - This is the meeting cancel link.

{{Meeting.ChangeUrl}} - This is the meeting reschedule link.

{{Meeting.PaymentAmount}} - This is the total meeting payment amount (applicable only to paid meetings).

{{Meeting.PaymentMethod}} - This is the payment method the client used to pay the meeting upon booking (applicable only to paid meetings).

{{Meeting.PaymentReceipt}} - This is the meeting payment receipt (applicable only to paid meetings).

Scheduler link tokens:

Where this information comes from: This information will be pulled from the list of meeting schedulers you have added in Moxie. This is used to pull the scheduler's direct link into an email to be sent to the client.


Project Tokens:

Where this information comes from: This information will be pulled from the project/task information. The following project tokens only works for email templates to be used in customizing the native client notifications (Task approval required, Task approval reminder, Task assigned and Task comment). Custom project/task fields tokens do not work for this purpose at the moment.










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